Allwin D. |
(Aug 13, 10:20 am)
Amber G. |
(Aug 10, 2:10 pm)
I’m an acrobatic from Taiwan and I’m really l looking forward to play out a new way of Chorography☺ |
Anne |
(Jul 22, 8:32 pm)
Audrey B. |
(Sep 3, 10:35 am)
✨☺☺☺☺☺ |
Azenildo A. |
(Aug 31, 12:14 pm)
Barış Ö. |
(Aug 10, 9:35 pm)
Arkadaşa bakıp çıkıcam |
Beverly R. |
(Aug 31, 4:29 pm)
Britta K. |
(Aug 14, 2:30 pm)
Ich bin ausgebildete Tanzlehrerin & Tanzperformance. Habe aber nur 1 Bein. |
Carina Z. |
(Aug 29, 5:17 pm)
(Aug 20, 6:04 pm)
Always playing |
(Aug 31, 10:22 pm)
Cristina N. |
(Aug 4, 11:36 am)
Cristobal E. |
(Aug 4, 11:12 am)
Freedom with mouvement |
Ebru A. |
(Sep 1, 1:37 pm)
Eva P. |
(Aug 4, 11:54 am)
Fritz |
(Aug 31, 11:49 pm)
Hannah Juliane S. |
(Aug 31, 4:07 pm)
Iryna H. |
(Aug 4, 12:44 pm)
I‘m exited to have a good time |
Jelena L. |
(Sep 2, 2:10 pm)
Liza W. |
(Aug 16, 9:36 am)
Lorenzo P. |
(Sep 2, 12:36 am)
Ich schaffe nur den Workshop am Freitag und hoffe es ist in Ordnung und das ich niemandem einen Platz weg nehme. |
Magdalena |
(Sep 1, 9:37 pm)
Manuel Z. |
(Aug 4, 5:45 pm)
María P. |
(Aug 9, 2:30 pm)
Melisa S. |
(Aug 4, 11:43 am)
Seems amazing. Thanks for organising this. I'd be so happy to join |
Nora H. |
(Aug 31, 6:54 am)
Ona T. |
(Aug 20, 8:39 pm)
Paola |
(Aug 25, 10:53 am)
Polina K. |
(Aug 26, 8:08 pm)
Rebecca K. |
(Aug 31, 1:01 pm)
To play & explore new movement languages on my body. Apologies but I have a performance on Friday evening so can not attend until the weekend. |
Ruslan A. |
(Aug 11, 10:32 am)
Destroy (stereotypes). Create yourself. Inspire. |
Sharif A. |
(Aug 17, 1:12 pm)
Simona D. |
(Aug 4, 2:08 pm)
Sofia |
(Aug 19, 4:53 pm)
Winett A. |
(Aug 31, 8:58 am)
Wirginia L. |
(Aug 4, 5:46 pm)
Yang A. |
(Aug 31, 2:59 pm)
I am very happy to be able to participate in this workshop. my specialty is handstand and want to learn more about the inspiration from the arrangement of works. |
Zsófia L. |
(Aug 4, 2:11 pm)
Zula R. |
(Aug 9, 2:18 pm)
Discover new ways and to share what I have in this moment |
Courtney D. |
withdrawn (Sep 3, 9:22 am)
Kai |
withdrawn (Sep 3, 3:44 pm)
Dancer/ Performer/ Spoken word human looking forward to move and explore in a safe space |